Franchise Development Program 2010
Ateneo Center for Continuing Education and the Association of Filipino Franchisers, Inc. will offer the 6-day Franchisee Development Program this November 2010.
Visit their booth at the upcoming AFFI Trade Show at the World Trade Center from Sept. 16 - 19 to find out more!
They will also have a short talk this Friday, Sept. 17, 3pm at the AFFI Trade Show to be delivered by AGSB-CCE Prof. Enrique M. Soriano.
The new Franchisee Development Program will be headed by Ateneo CCE Program Director, Mr. Jorge Noel Wieneke.
Ateneo CCE Launches Franchisee Development Program The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business (AGSB) is formally launching its Franchisee Development Program at the 9th Filipino Franchise Show.