Happy hour with friends is always welcome way to end the five-day work week. A semi-spontaneous tweetup had been planned last Friday (28 May 2010) with this agenda: to drink and discuss some ideas from previous tweetups. Who came despite the rain? First to arrive was (current 4sq mayor of Le Bistro Vert) Ria Juan / @juanxi who came from work errands. Next was Marissa Manaloto / @mcmanaloto who braved the Valero rain to get to Le Bistro Vert. Le Bistro was the venue for the recent #T13tweetup. The menu consists of dishes produced from sustainable food (the Asian Development Bank has an article on Sustainable Food Security in Asia which is recommended reading). I ordered and shared the Roasted Vegetable Pizza (yummy with the cherry tomatoes & fresh arugula) and Super Dry. Ria and Marissa had Mango Mojitos while waiting for Rob.

Rob Angeles / @robangeles arrived last and was excited in discussing ways to help local social media. I am very hopeful with this project.