Time to Write

Monday, July 5, 2010

Noodle Night on July 9, 2010 at Wabi-Sabi

I recently visited Paolo's two week-old shop at The Collective, an event space along Malugay Street in San Antonio Village, Makati. He was with Inez and both of them were diligently fixing up the shop and finishing work. Paolo toured me around the compound and showed me the different store windows & introduced me to some of the owners, including Ibarra of Wabi-Sabi. Iya posted a recent review/ramen rant on her blog which made me additionally curious about the place. I placed some venue entries on Foursquare for information about what's inside The Collective http://ta.gd/4sq.

If you're interested in eating at Wabi-Sabi and meeting fellow twitterers/bloggers, join us on July 9, 2010.


Postscript: Photos & Blog Entry here: http://bit.ly/bkliZO /by Mark Cerbo.

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